Wednesday 30 June 2010

More Growth

Said I'd blog something about the other veg plot once I'd weeded it - I've now weeded it twice!

As you can see, the onions are doing well - they're almost unrecognisable now as the rather weedy objects that we planted out back in May.  Some are larger than others, but there are a few potential 'monsters' at least.  A couple of potato plants appeared spontaneously as well - remnants from last year - we've left the two strongest in place to see what comes of them this year.

The peas have made a reasonable show, but I don't think we'll match the success of our first ever growing year - although I suppose they do have another 3 weeks to reach the 6 foot mark of that first harvest.  At least a few more plants seem to have survived into maturity - in contrast to last year.

Finally we have the green beans - we planted up a pot with the same variety we grew last year and they are climbing well.  We were given a bag of what we thought were a similar variety, but despite having a lovingly-constructed cane structure to grow up they are showing little sign of wanting to climb anything - I suspect they may therefore be a bush bean variety - well, we'll see . . .

Will confirm the bean situation, and just how high the peas did grow in due course . . .

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