Sunday 31 October 2010

Bat Cam!


Saturday 30 October 2010

Bird Cam

At least these ones are a little more recognisable:

Wednesday 27 October 2010

October Garden

Been putting the garden in order this month - the hedges have been given their winter trim; the grass has been cut (hopefully for the last time this year); the hardy geranium has been given its annual decimation (needless to say it will be back!); and the veg plots have been emptied, weeded and dug, and partially replanted with winter onions.

One major change - we've taken out the small thin pine tree in the central bed of the back garden (picture in situ on the left) - it was blocking the view down the garden, and looking a little on the straggly side.  Got a bit of wood out of it anyway.

Finally we put in a few primroses, winter pansies and violas out front to fill the gaps left by the geraniums.  Still got some weeding and cutting back to do - and the fruit cage needs some work, but might wait until it's died back naturally with the cold weather.

Monday 25 October 2010

First Frosty Day

Today was the first frosty day of the Autumn / Winter - and a beautifully sunny one at that.  Couldn't resist taking my new camera on the walk into work, although it did mean I took rather a long time to get there!

Friday 15 October 2010

Keeping the Rain Out!

We'd known for a while that the flat roof over the utility / shower room needed some attention (see left), and finally got around to sorting out some quotes for a new roof this summer.

Having decided on a 'polyroof' system, that comes with a 20 year guarantee, we had to wait a while for the right combination of weather and builder availability, but it finally all came together this week.

The new roof deck . . .

The builders stripped off the old roof, which as it turned out was soaking wet and partially rotten - there was also a distinct lack of insulation, which goes some way to explaining why the shower room gets so cold in the winter!

. . .  with a coat of glass fibre.

New insulation was packed into the roof space, which will hopefully make everything much warmer now.  A new roofing deck of exterior plywood fitted, and then this was topped with layers of glass fibre.

Finally a weatherproof topcoat, and some new lead flashing, and now it all looks very smart - and more importantly is hopefully equally good at keeping the rain out!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

September's Weather Update

As you may have gathered, we were away for nearly two weeks in September, so the data for the 13th - 24th isn't actually based on experience. We did start our own weather blog based on the data from our weather station - but with a British Atmospheric Data Centre Radar Facility generating professional data just over the road, we felt a little outclassed!

Anyway here's the rundown  - a bit of a mixed bag - we did have much nicer weather in South West England!

Wednesday 6 October 2010

West Country Wanderings

Mid-September and we finally had our first 'going-away' holiday since we moved in 2008.  The weather was kind and we had a great tour of the West Country:

Exotic plants in the gardens of St Michael's Mount.
Many more of course at the Eden Project.  
The path up to Glastonbury Tor.
Stained glass at Montacute House.
A la Ronde with its diamond windows.
 More stained glass from Killerton House.
St. Ives as the evening draws in.
Alice in Wonderland scarecrows at Knightshayes Court.
The Dream Garden at Dunster Castle.
Gates and gardens and Castle Drogo. Lobster pots at Boscastle.