Friday 21 May 2010

Moving On Up

Things are moving on the vegetable front . . .

Finally moved the peas out of their guttering yesterday and into position in the garden. They seem to have survived the transplantation process, and have now been joined by two new rows which we planted directly into the ground. We planted these new rows quite deep, and have covered them over with some clear plastic to provide some initial protection from potential pea predators. Fingers crossed we'll get a reasonable showing anyway.

The maincrop potatoes are also finally on their way up - almost all of them are now showing some sign of life above ground, and hopefully now the weather has warmed up they'll soon put on some real growth.

The onions are coming along a treat as well - I've got a little more confidence now that they'll actually turn into proper onions in due course.

We've also planted out the courgettes - next up planting up the green beans, and sorting out the greenhouses.

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