Sunday 31 July 2016

Potato Harvest

Dug up the potatoes today - two varieties - Desiree and King Edward (plus a third 'unknown').
Reasonable haul, cleaned up nicely - so some should keep.

The rest will be mashed for the freezer - packaged up a basic mash (no milk or butter) freezes well enough  - ready for use when required . . .

Thursday 14 July 2016

First Redcurrants

After two years (and annual decimation by sawfly) our (still tiny) redcurrant bush has finally produced some redcurrants!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Emerald Isle

Summer holidays saw us cross the Irish Sea for a road trip round Ireland:

Started with the sights (and pubs) of Dublin - including the Dead Zoo (part of their Natural History Museum), a real museum of a museum . . .

Then it was on our way round Ireland taking in castles, religious ruins, and prehistoric sites:

That's Glendalough, the Rock of Cashel, Cahir Castle, Newgrange and Trim Castle (clockwise from top left!).

The prehistoric site of Knowth gets its own separate photo, purely for the joy of their approach to keeping the grass down on the burial mounds!
We also saw some wildlife - from deer, to a cheese-eating heron, who was more than happy to hang out with numerous onlookers on a Galway street (or on top of a car) waiting for more cheese to be dispensed:

Unfortunately much of the better scenery on our trip was obscured by rain and mist - and we were left with the impression that the Ring of Kerry was no better than a drive from North to Mid Wales.

Maybe we need a re-brand in Wales - the Irish Tourist Board are certainly doing a good job!

Friday 8 July 2016

Mystery Mammal

Latest from Wildlife Cam - some debate though over the nature of the beast we caught on camera:

At first we though that maybe it was a rat - but there's no evidence of a tail, and it wasn't exactly moving at any pace.  Our eventual conclusion was hedgehog - see what you think!