Sunday 23 April 2017

Spring Sunshine

Celebrating a warm and sunny weekend and a garden full of Spring flowers - with the clematis looking particularly lovely.

Still got primroses and tulips too, and the cowslips are now out:

It's also been a productive weekend in the garden - cleaning down the greenhouses, weeding the fruit cage, trimming some of the wilder sections of hedge - but taking time to enjoy the sunshine too.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Boozy Blackcurrants

Finally got around to decanting the blackcurrant vodka which we 'laid down' before Christmas - which in addition to the vodka itself, left us with rather a lot of very boozy fruit.

An afternoon's baking later and we have a stock of blackcurrant deserts (crumbles and cakes) for the freezer - should keep us going for a while!

Saturday 8 April 2017

Up the Fruit Cage Path

For a while now I'd been pondering the path in the fruit cage which, made up of large stones and broken concrete tile, was not very stable underfoot.

So having spotted some stone chippings on offer in the local supermarket  ...

... and with thanks to Martin for hauling all the bags to the end of the garden ...

... we now have a very nice pebbly path, which is much safer for weeding and harvesting from.

It all looks much nicer as well.

(I suppose I'd better confess that this photo was taken a good bit after April 2017 - yes, I'm retrospectively blogging again!).