Saturday 7 February 2009

Hedge Today, Gone Tomorrow

We'd been debating this one for a while - what to do with the hedge dividing off the square bit of garden at the side (where we've just put Greenhouse No. 3). Although it doesn't look too bad in this picture, the trees on the right hand side had died back considerably.

We started by taking down all the dead and dying trees, but then it just looked a little lopsided. So we finished by taking the lot down:

Must admit there is still one hell of a mess to clear up - it's a lot of tree! - but it has opened up the area considerably - room now for Greenhouse No. 2 maybe.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

And We Shall Have Snow . . .

While the rest of the country ground to a halt yesterday we stayed relatively snow free on the West coast. Woke up to a whiter world, but not white enough to close the roads or anything - quite pretty though:

And got to see our snowdrops in their true setting:

Monday 2 February 2009

Greenhouse Number Three

We decided last year to invest in a second greenhouse (a little larger than our existing model) especially as it was going cheap in Focus. We're planning to put it at the top of the garden in the sun trap near the wood store.

However a couple of weeks back we were offered a third, even larger, greenhouse (8 x 10 ft) for free - if we'd deconstruct it and take it away. There were a few panes of glass missing but not many, so we thought it was worth a go.

It took an afternoon and an hour or two the following morning to get from that to this.

Now we're at the stage of putting it all back together again. Well, Martin's been doing the work with a little help from his Dad . . . We've got the foundation's in, and the frame up - we'll need to wait for the right weather before putting in the glass itself though.

The Robin has been loving the construction work - all those nice juicy worms digging in the blocks turned up - he's even fatter if possible!