Saturday 26 June 2010

The Dangers of Hedge Cutting

Over the last few days we've been occupied with hedge cutting (see results on left).  We have rather a lot of mature hedges - mainly privet at the front and on one side, and a bit of a mixed bag (hawthorn, beech, yew) towards the bottom of the garden, plus brambles!

We tend to cut these twice, or at most three times a year - one big cut at the end of June (by which time hopefully the birds which nest within the hedges have got at least one brood out of the way), a potential late-summer 'trim', and the pre-winter end of the year tidy-up.  This year it has seemed like even more of a major task than previously - although we did 'remodel' one section, which involved a fairly radical cut.

On the whole it was just a bit of a slog in the hot weather, with Martin cutting while I cleared up the debris.  Ended up filling 5 of these big bags and taking them out to the tip - the trailer has come in really useful here!

And on the final day - despite having applied my insect repellent - I fell victim to a passing horsefly.  So I now have a rather impressive bump on my knee, and am popping antihistamine every 4 hours.  Hopefully normality will resume shortly as it's making it rather stiff going at the moment.

Giving serious consideration to investing in a zapper thing which generates a mild electric shock - apparently if applied to a bite within an hour or so it can help reduce the swelling and itchiness.  Will report back on said device in due course - although hopefully I'll never have occasion to use the thing if I do buy it!

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