Wednesday 31 March 2021

Garden Projects: Front Lawns

We've been pondering plans for the garden this year - a lot of the work we did to build things like the fruit cage, raised beds, and the small veg plot took place over ten year's ago, and the wooden elements of those structures are now rotting away.  

We've also got a lot of lawn, much of which we don't 'use' for anything, such that it just sits there waiting to be mowed . . .   and an old oil tank that's been sitting round the back of the garage waiting to be disposed of since 2019.

So, project no. 1 - repurpose the oil tank - out with the saw, et voila, the base for a pond (with a bit of scrubbing and a liner) to go in the main section of the front lawn, and hopefully provide a home for frogs etc. next Spring.

And, project no. 2 - scarify the small section of front lawn, plant the cherry tree that has been languishing neglected in a pot for longer than we care to remember, and seed it with wildflowers, and transplanted primroses, cowslips etc.  

It all looks a bit bare at the moment, but hopefully we'll get something of a 'meadow' in due course - one less patch of lawn to mow, and good for the butterflies and bees!

Well, it's a start - there's still a lot of oil tank left - and lots more to do in the rest of the garden.  Pond updates to follow :) 

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