Wednesday 6 January 2021

2020 Solar Review

A mid-year to mid-year solar blog is proving a bit of a pain presentation-wise - so we've decided to move to an end of year review instead.  We also added a Modbus energy meter to our solar installation in November, which will give us accurate production, export and self-consumption stats from now on - so next year we will have a full year dataset of much more detailed (and hopefully interesting) statistics.

For now, here are the 2020 (January to December) highlights / lowlights for Solar Production.  As can be seen December's really poor weather has resulted in many of the bottom production figures, and May continues to dominate the top 10 list. 

Date Bottom 10
Date Top 10
18/12/2020 186 14/05/2020 26,133
30/11/2020 334 1/06/2020 25,268
11/01/2020 339 05/05/2020 25,254
07/01/2020 379 11/07/2020 25,129
03/12/2020 442 20/07/2020 25,125
21/12/2020 447 31/05/2020 24,931
20/11/2020 464 25/05/2020 24,881
13/12/2020 467 30/05/2020 24,835
28/02/2020 473 20/05/2020 24,701
16/12/2020 533 29/05/2020 24,675

This graph (pre-Modbus installation), contrasts Production with 'Deemed' Export - fixed at 50% 'of the production figure.

Finally we can see the impact  of working from home during the pandemic on our electricity consumption - a comparison with 2019 shows a notable increase in electricity use.   We're not entirely sure why there is such a leap in July 2020, but it is probably due to a combination of factors: family visitors, the end of that incredible spell of sunny weather, and Martin being issued with a work laptop.

See you in a year!

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