Thursday 17 January 2019

In the Eye of the Beholder

Still on holiday, and finally some sunshine - Martin duly headed out on his bike up to Nant yr Arian, while I got out into the garden.

Had intended to do some weeding in the fruit cage, but it struck me that we seemed to have less snowdrops in the garden than of yore, and I was inspired to investigate . . .

Two hours later - one large pile of ivy, and lots more visible snowdrops.  Yay!

All that scrabbling about under shrubs was not without its downside though - successfully avoided the magnolia branches, but fell prey to a hydrangea . . .

Martin meanwhile was enjoying some fantastic views, with a dusting of snow on the high ground:

Nice to see the sun, and enjoy the fresh air, although could have done without the poke in the eye!

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