Thursday, 19 July 2018

Goodbye TPL

It's been a while now (over ten years) since I left the University - where a fair bit of my time, as student and lecturer, was spent in the Thomas Parry Library on Llanbadarn campus.

So when it was announced this year that the University was consolidating its teaching on Penglais Campus, and relocating all library materials to the Hugh Owen Library - I took up the invitation to go along and say goodbye . . . 

It was a nice evening - saw lots of old, familiar faces, listened to a few speeches, had a wander through the stacks, the photocopying area (spent a lot of time there!), the old teaching rooms, etc.  - brought back a few memories.

End of an era - the old place (est. 1970) nearly made it to 50 years as a library of librarianship, but not quite.

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