Saturday, 4 January 2014

After the Storm

December 2013 wasn't exactly sweetness and light weather-wise . . .

 . . . but the last couple of days have seen a toxic mix of high tides, wind and rain.

Massive tidal surges overnight - people evacuated from the seafront - the prom closed - it all sounded real dramatic on the news, but the actual impact of it all didn't hit home till we took a walk down to the prom today.

A few missing paving stones didn't seem so bad . . . nor did the piles of shingle - slightly more than usual, but not an unfamiliar sight!

Elsewhere though the wreckage was phenomenal - great stone slabs with railings still attached had been dragged from their position and across the prom:

The Consti end of the prom seems to have taken most of the battering - the pavilion here is still standing, but the sea has undermined the promontory it sits on, and there's a huge hole behind it.

All in all it looked like someone had set off a bomb - and it was certainly proving to be something of a local attraction - most of the town seemed to be on the prom taking in the scene!

The clean-up has started - but this is going to take a lot more than a couple of street cleaning machines!

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