Sunday 22 March 2009

Let Sleeping Piglets Lie . . .

Must blog about the garden soon (watch this space), but couldn't resist putting up something on the piglets we saw at Llanerchaeron today.

Llanerchaeron is our local National Trust property, which we usually visit two or three times a year - mostly to wander the walled gardens, and the old farm buildings, which usually host some livestock.

Today we were checking out the fruit cage there as we are planning one of our own. But there were lots of daffodils out in the garden as well - and a really interesting 'frilly' specimen in one of their greenhouses, as pictured on the left.

The highlight of the visit was
however the piglets of varying sizes. From the very small, sleeping in the sun next to Big Mama, to some independent scaredy pigs who kept running inside the sty when we walked past, to the largest, which were somewhat restive rattling around looking for food.

What really caught our eye though were these snoozing babies (pictured below), who achieved a near pyramid formation by the time we left. Sleeping on the outside is obviously unpopular - we watched one move off the end and position itself on top of its siblings, to be followed by the new outsider, who went for the inside top position. Meanwhile, the others snoozed on apparently undisturbed!

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