Saturday 19 July 2008

First Post!

Welcome to our blog – it’s taken us a while I must admit. We moved to the 'country' on 19th January 2008, and decided then that it would be good to ‘blog’ our experiences of gardening, growing veg, etc., but things didn’t go quite to plan on the technical front. We thought we’d done everything possible to ensure a smooth transition of telephone / broadband supplier – but it was not to be. It took us nearly a month to get the phone line connected, and broadband, well…

We started with the Post Office broadband – who told us we had a DACS on our line, and that they couldn’t connect us until BT removed it. We switched supplier to BT (in the belief that this might speed things up); they said they would connect us on 4th March; when this date came and went, their excuse was (wonder of wonders) that we had a DACS on our line that would need to be removed. Eventually, after months of being 'reviewed' they worked out that they would need to undertake re-cabling work, which needed authorisation from senior management. Finally, the work was authorised, and we were given a connection date of 17th July. Interestingly although BT did actually meet that date, they don't seem to have realised that they've connected us, since they left us a telephone message to say our next review date is 5th August!

Well, we're online now - and here's the blog - and the first bunny … Why ‘Bunny On The Lawn’ – I suppose because there is, pretty much always, a bunny on the lawn. Quite often more than one. Usually small and very cute bunnies (we must be talking great great great great grandbunnies of the original bunnies by now), sometimes really BIG bunnies. Bunnies on the lawn is fine, bunnies in the vegetable patch was less fun, but more of that later ...

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