Friday 24 November 2023

Lighting Up

Time for another visit to family - fitting in some pre-Christmas tasks (such as sorting out the festive lights in the parent's garden, and bringing down the Christmas decorations).

Our visit also coincided with the switching on of the town Christmas lights - and with the 'fountain' in storage this year (due to the ongoing revamp of the town centre) - the 'tree' was the focus of the festivities.

And boy did it attract some attention - perhaps you can see why!

Likened to the 'leaning tower of Pisa', it made the evening news bulletin, and was even trending on the BBC News website!  

Apparently it is all down to a 'bent trunk' and it is perfectly safe, but they are going to contact the supplier 'in the hopes that next year's tree is a better one' . . .  

This one at least won't be forgotten any time soon!

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