Tuesday 25 April 2023

Project Fruit Cage - Stage One

Back in 2009 we laid out the fruit cage, and planted it up with raspberry canes (among other things) - we had a few years of good crops, but the canes have got much weaker with time, and have become increasingly unproductive.

It doesn't help either that over the years the ground has become ever more weed-ridden (despite an annual weeding exercise) - to the point where we now had more violets than strawberries!

So it was time to dig it all out properly (starting the side where the old canes were situated) - and today we planted it up with 15 new Glen Ample canes, which should hopefully take good hold for harvesting next year.

Stage Two will involve a full weeding out of the other side of the cage (still in progress), feeding the blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes, and probably replanting throughout with strawberries.  Watch this space . . .

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