Tuesday 18 April 2023

Project Bench

April has seen us looking at various jobs around the garden, and this is the first (hopefully of many) 'retirement projects' to get finished 😀

Back in 2010 we invested in a hardwood garden bench, which has done sterling service ever since, providing seating every summer in the suntrap out the back of the house.

Of late it has however been looking a little the worse for wear - while the 'greying' of the wood is attractive enough, it has gotten very patchy (especially where the wasps help themselves every year), with lots of splits and splinters.

In order to get another 10+ years out of it, we decided we'd better do some refurbishment - starting with a thorough sanding - which took it back to something close to how it looked when it first arrived with us.

It wasn't the easiest of jobs, but between the belt sander, Dremmel, and multi-tool sanding attachments, we got there in the end.

It was tempting to leave it as it was, but we decided that an oil treatment might help its long term survival.  So here we are, after a couple of good coats of teak oil.

Fingers crossed for many more happy years sitting on the bench in the sunshine!

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