Sunday 28 July 2024

Project Van: 'Backing Up' and 'Battening Down'

So, work is continuing on the Van project - while we wait for a date to get windows and roof things fitted (letting a 'professional' do those!).

Martin has 'battened' out the floor and is fitting it with PIR board insulation to keep our feet warm - battens are distributed a bit oddly to allow for where we think the 'furniture' is going to go, and of course we then changed our minds about some of the measurements!

He's also started applying some foil backed foam insulation to other bits of the van - notably the wheel arches.

It's already becoming apparent that this will be a long process - there are so many decisions to make, and doing one bit, is contingent on having finished another bit, etc. etc.   . . .  and it all takes so much longer than you think it will!

One job is done though - Martin has fitted a reversing camera in place of the old brake light (see above), and wired the monitor in to the front cab.

So now we can see what we are backing up into!

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Walking in Sunshine

A couple of days in Cardiff - arrived mid-afternoon and decided to take advantage of some actual sunshine, and go for a walk round the Bay and over the barrage to Penarth.

On the other side we enjoyed a drink sitting on the terrace of a rather posh eaterie looking out over the Bay before making the return journey.

The next day wasn't quite so nice weather-wise, but I had work things to do in the morning, and we did a bit of shopping - and by the afternoon the weather had picked up a bit.

Nice to see Ianto's Shrine still going strong down on Mermaid Quay, and the Bay looked lovely in the evening light:

Time on our last day for a visit to Ikea to buy some bits and pieces for the Van Project, and of course indulge in a plate of Swedish meatballs!

Then on the way home we got to see a bit more sunshine at Aberaeron - where work on the sea defences is still in full swing, much to the detriment of their tourist season.

Friday 19 July 2024

Project Van: 'Sound' Stage

Time to get started . . .  although planning is ongoing, and boxes of this and that are arriving everyday.

First job - applying sound deadening 'mats' to various bits of the van to dampen some of the noise generated by driving around in what is, after all, just a tin box!

Martin even took it as an opportunity to leave his mark for posterity . . .

Sunday 14 July 2024

Family Time

Back to East Anglia for a family birthday, and the usual mix of time together, trips out, and helping where we can.

This visit included the purchase of a wheelchair - and the jigsaw puzzle of getting it in the car with the walking wheels, so both parents could be fully mobile.

Then the wheelchair's first outing round Manea Gala:

Of course, there was also a family dinner, plus a meeting with my aunt and uncle who were over to visit too on the day we arrived, and as ever, one small dog curled up with some footwear!

Thursday 4 July 2024

Project Van

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, there is, finally, a van on the drive.  

After months (or maybe years) of discussions, we headed down to Swansea last Saturday to check out a panel van, and took the plunge and bought it - and today it is on our drive, ready to convert into a camper.

It's a former rental, 2020 medium wheel base Peugeot Boxer - so 5.4m in length, which means it should be a bit easier to park than the bigger vans, but that we have a little less room for fitting out inside.

The van even came with a hidden free bottle of drink, stuffed inside one of the interior pillars - although since it went out of date in 2022, probably best not drunk 😝

Anyway, lots to plan, and lots to do . . .  it may take us a while, but watch for updates!

Saturday 29 June 2024

Day Out and Dinefwr

A not so sunny Saturday saw us on the road to Swansea - for reasons that will become clear in the next post - but on the way back we decided to revisit Dinefwr (hard to believe it was 2011 when we were there last!).

Parked up and made our way up the drive past a new, and rather charming, 'fairy village' Tref Tylwyth Teg 'feature' - the door in the tree was particularly effective.

Did the usual tour of the house, indulged in tea and cake, and then walked it off with a very pleasant wander through the deer park and up to the old castle:

It all made for a rather nice day out - especially as the weather was distinctly better than at home - we even saw some sunshine!

Will try not to leave it another 12 years before we visit again though 😀

Sunday 16 June 2024

Happy Father's Day!

Visit to family over Father's Day weekend  . . .

Brother-in-law on barbecue duty (again) - with Marci watching on, as ever, just in case . . . you know!

The sun shone, some lovely food, and good to be together as a family.

Time for a walk later, taking in Manea Pit with all its attendant wildlife (which includes lots of geese).

Good job Marci was on a lead otherwise she'd have been in there!

Great family weekend . . .