Saturday, 28 September 2024

Project Van: Solar Struggles

We'd always planned to add a couple of solar panels to the roof - to provide us with power for a leisure battery - particularly important for us, as this is intended to be an 'electric' only van, (i.e. without an onboard gas supply for cooking, or diesel heating).  

We duly ordered two 200W panels - then just had to work out how to fix them securely in place!

After reviewing the options - and watching a lot of Youtube videos of how other people had done it - we settled on a diy unistrut 'roof rack' as our preferred solution.  

While this proved relatively straightforward - working out how to attach the  solar panels was a bit more of a struggle.  We got there in the end (kudos to Martin who did all the hard work) but it was a fiddly and annoying precision job - as tightening one fixing point, often put another out of alignment, and so on . . .

Then there were holes to be drilled for the wiring - and a 'gland' box to be fixed to the roof to feed the cables through and prevent any water ingress.



Et Voila - the finished article - ready to be wired up to the electrical system - a job for another day!

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