Monday 20 May 2024

Here We Go Again

Back from another trip across country to visit family - on my own this time, and once again it was a rather fraught experience car-wise - although I had a lovely visit with family and friends.

Along the way I ended up having the brakes 'done' on the car - we knew they were going to need doing soon, and as they had started making a bit of a noise, I took the car to a local branch of a nationwide company to get it sorted.  The work was duly completed (new discs and pads - calipers were pronounced ok) - no noise - all good (or so I thought!).

The problem came on the journey home, when 20 miles down the road the car slowed down, and didn't seem to want to 'go' at all.  

Managed to get to Huntingdon, where it became apparent that the brake on the front passenger side was 'stuck' (stock steamy image for illustrative purposes!). 

Fortunately there was another branch of said company not far away, but it was a good six hours wait, while everything cooled down, and new calipers (which were the problem!) were delivered and fitted.

Plenty of time for a mooch round Huntingdon - and for a visit to the local Wetherspoons (which has very nice loos!) where I sat reading my book.

Was finally back on the road around 2.30pm - new discs, pads and calipers on both front brakes (although, fair play, they only charged for the one caliper).  

Safe home again - and hopefully that's it for car troubles this year!

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