Tuesday 2 April 2024

Easter Journeyings

Good Friday saw us on the road to visit family once again - setting off early  to avoid the bank holiday traffic, and arriving in really good time as a result.  

Had a couple of days then enjoying some family time, and helping out with stuff like shopping and furniture rearrangements - while our Marci found a quiet corner to hide in . . .

Goodbyes said, we were back on the road again on Easter Sunday, heading across country towards Stratford-upon-Avon where we were staying the night.

Took a break to revisit Kenilworth Castle - stretching our legs, and enjoying tea and a pasty - before moving on to Stratford itself, where we duly booked in to our Travelodge.
The weather thus far hadn't been inspiring, but at least it was dry (outside) - unfortunately the same couldn't be said for 'inside' where a dripping noise was tracked down to the light fitting in the bathroom!

After some to-ing and fro-ing, we were moved to a new room, and also offered a complementary breakfast for the morning to make up for all the inconvenience.

Now we could enjoy the rest of trip without fear of electrocution . . .  including a few drinks and a curry that evening, and a wander round Stratford in the morning.  By midday (still full of that complementary breakfast) we were on our way home.  

Took the opportunity to visit another English Heritage site - Witley Court - along our way.

This would have been a very impressive historic house in its day, but was gutted by fire in 1937 and is now an impressive ruin instead - but still with lovely gardens, an extremely ornate church, and a fantastic fountain.

Really enjoyed our couple of hours meandering our way round - although we did spend a lot of that trying to take a decent photo of the fountain in action!  

Luckily we found a sweet spot in the weather and got to enjoy some sunshine before a rather wetter journey onward to home.

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