Monday 28 February 2022

Posts that Didn't Happen - February 2022

So here's my February retrospective - a little later than intended!

Generally this was a quiet but anxious month - still waiting for the wood burning stove to be fitted for the first couple of weeks, and rather annoyed with it all.  Without heating, and a hole still through the wall for the flue, we ended up with condensation and mould on the newly decorated walls / ceiling.

On 11 February, the fitter finally showed up to get the stove in place and sort out the chimney - not that he managed to finish that, with some extra flue pipe on order, and the flue not properly concreted in as a result.

At least the hole through the wall was mostly filled, and we were told that we could light a small fire in the interim to get some heat into the building.

With walls and ceiling cleaned, and that fire lit, on 16 February I actually 'moved in' - or should I say 'camped out' (working from a makeshift desk), but at least getting some heat into the place.

Then 24 February brought the end of the world as we know it, with Russia's invasion of Ukraine - all that domestic angst now seemed so unimportant . . . 

It all got so upsetting I started avoiding the news entirely.

The end of the month did at least bring an end to the stove saga, with the flue finally in place and concreted in.

And with some sunshine, a late afternoon walk on the prom, and a stunning exhibition from the murmurating starlings - which I can never take a good picture of, so here's a photo of 'winged Victory' atop the war memorial instead.

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