Sunday 26 December 2021

And So It's Christmas . . .

Another year, another Christmas, but with Covid a little more in the background this time (booster jabs all done!), although as it turned out not without its alternative dramas . . .

We've had some nice days, sunny walks on the prom / up Consti, etc. and a proper break over the Christmas period, with a visit to family in Cambridgeshire for 'second Christmas' in the next few days.  

The run up to Christmas has however (aside from the Folly) also been occupied with the Saga of the Fridge . . . which stopped working at the end of November, but had to wait for service engineers in Oswestry to get to us to fix it under its guarantee.

On 8 December they finally arrived, replaced a faulty fan and left saying all should now be ok - only the fridge didn't get any cooler . . . 

We then had to wait for 17 December before they made it back to diagnose the added problem (everything had frozen up and the cold air couldn't get from the freezer section to the fridge!) and actually get it running again.

All of which felt perilously close to Christmas - trying to manage Christmas cooking with one fridge drawer kept cool with freezer blocks, was not a happy thought!

Christmas day brought its own drama, with an evening trip to A&E for a tetanus jab (following a minor incident with some firewood and a rusty nail).

All well though - just a sore hand for a few days - and only had to wait for an hour or so.

Hope you had a good one!

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