Sunday 30 December 2018

Midwinter Miscellany

Well the Christmas celebrations are already fading into the past . . .

Too much food was cooked (and eaten).

The 'Cake' finally got decorated (although after Christmas Day) with fruit, nuts and marzipan - and managed to incorporate a bunny along the way.

Family visited for a few days, and we're already missing the pitter patter of doggie paws (well I am anyway).

Martin spotted the first of the snowdrops in flower in the back garden - doubtless with more to follow.

Finally our festive entertainment has included the farmer's ongoing battle to manage his flock's access to the 'greens' in the field opposite:

The stuff on the left hand side obviously looks much more tasty, and he's had to reconstruct the fence at least twice and shoo the sheep back to where they don't want to be with much beeping from his quad bike.

The fence (now securely electrified) seems to be doing its job for now, but there are regular mass gatherings where they look like they are preparing to storm it to achieve their goal, so watch this space!

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