Thursday 18 September 2014

Borth Trekking

Sun shining, on holiday, let's go for a walk - how about a section of the Coastal Path?

So off we set . . .  had to get to the coast first, which involved a cross country pootle over to Clarach - then up the hill and down the hill to Wallog and Sarn Cynfelin.

Everything got a bit harder after that - a lot more uphill and loose dirt paths, which a certain person stormed up like a mountain goat . . .

. . . while a certain other person huffed and puffed like a steam engine while trying desperately not to lose her footing!

By the time we got to the cliff in Borth said person wasn't in a terribly good way - the legs had pretty much had it - never had a train station (down the hill and along Borth's unending street) and our ride home seemed so far away . . .

Made it though - 8 miles, 394 metres of elevation gained, 450 metres of elevation lost, 4 hours - and back to Aberystwyth for a much needed pint!

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