Friday 10 May 2013

Got There In The End!

We'd always planned to add a shower over the bath in the upstairs bathroom, it just took us a while . . .

Bought tiles * - 3 December 2011

Bought shower - 4 December 2011

Shower electrics / extractor fan fitted - 6 December 2011

Bought more tiles - 31 May 2012

Tiling work done - 19 November 2012

Shower fitted - 7 December 2012

Bought shower screen - 26 December 2012

Shower screen fitted - 9 May 2013


* The bath area was only tiled up to the patterned border, and we couldn't match the tiles below - ended up buying some cheap white tiles of the same width (then we worked out we were a few short first time round, and  they'd stopped making those tiles too - luckily we managed to find a leftover box!).  Now it's finished it looks good - almost as though  it was planned that way!

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