Catching up on last weekend - we had an extra couple of days off, and had plans to go away and do stuff, except it decided it was going to rain, hard, pretty much everywhere. Didn't seem much point in paying out for accommodation just to potter about in the wet, so ended up staying home - which left us with the eternal question of what to do with a wet weekend?

As it turned out the Friday wasn't so bad (got some gardening done), and we managed to find some sunshine in Shropshire on Saturday, visiting a National Trust property we hadn't been to before.
Sunnycroft is a little more middle-class than most, but was interesting for all that.
Lovely avenue of Wellingtonia trees lining the drive, nice greenhouses, and cake on the veranda in intermittent sunshine. The gardens weren't huge, but there was a bit of everything including some gorgeous hollyhocks:
Sunday was decidedly wetter - did domestic stuff, and managed an extremely breezy walk along the prom - and on Monday (still wet) resorted to shopping and the cinema in Carmarthen. Enjoyed
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2) in full 3D glory.
Just outside the cinema there's a rather nice metal sculpture of a drover with his dog, herding a sheep and a goose. It appears to have created an unforeseen health and safety issue though, and they've had to put up signs:
Was left wondering if someone has sued - half expecting to see it fenced off next time we visit . . .